class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lab05_Spatial-Data ## Spatial Data Manipulation and Visualization ### 曾子軒 Dennis Tseng ### 台大新聞所 NTU Journalism ### 2022/05/05 --- <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em; font-size: 28px; } .my-one-page-font { padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em; font-size: 20px; /*xaringan::inf_mr()*/ } </style> # 今日重點: Use R as GIS - 認識地理資訊格式 - 認識地理資料結構 in R - 操作地理資料 - 視覺化地理資料 - Extra: Geometry Operations --- # 今日目標 <img src="photo/端_map_choropleth.png" width="45%" height="45%" /><img src="photo/viewsoftheworld_cartogram.png" width="45%" height="45%" /> .pull-left[Taiwan 2020 Presidential Choropleth by [端傳媒](] .pull-right[US 2016 Presidential Vote Share Map by [Views of the World](] --- # 地理資訊格式 <img src="photo/Lab05_spatial_data.jpeg" width="40%" height="40%" /><img src="photo/Lab05_spatial_data_02.jpeg" width="40%" height="40%" /> .pull-left[[Geographic Information Systems and Science](] .pull-right[[Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis ](] --- # 地理資訊格式 - Vector vs. Raster, 向量 vs. 網格 - The vector data model represents the world using points, lines and polygons.(點、線、多邊形) - The raster data model divides the surface up into cells of constant size.(切成固定大小的格子) - 來看一下[範例]( --- # Data: Taipei City Demography - 台北市民政局:[台北市各里人口數](和[台北市里界圖](,前者的資料格式為 `csv` ,後者為 `shapefile` - 內政部:[台北市人口統計_村里](與和[台北市人口統計_最小統計區](,資料格式則是 `csv` 和 `shapefile` 都有 --- class: inverse, center, middle # 請大家去看/下載一下資料,[內政部](可以抓你喜歡的縣市,不用侷限在台北 --- # File Format Introduction - `xlsx`/`ods`: 可以用 Excel/Google sheet 開啟的檔案格式,長相就是平常可以看到的試算表表格。政府單位常常以 `ods` 發布資料,台北市民政局的人口統計即是提供 `ods ` - `csv`: comma separated value, 用逗點分隔欄位,是非常常見的檔案格式。無論政府或私人單位都會以 `csv` 發布資料 - `tif`:儲存地理圖像的點陣圖格式,通常資料當中包含經緯度。衛星影像的原始格式即是 `tif`。 - `shapefile`:儲存地理圖資的檔案格式,由 `shp`, `shx`, `dbf`, `prj` 所組成,分別紀錄了地理參照資料、索引、屬性、投影。通常提供地理圖資時,會提供包含 `shp`, `shx`, `dbf`, `prj`, 等格式的壓縮檔案。 - `geojson`:基於 JSON 儲存地理資訊的檔案格式,內容包含空間範圍和屬性。 --- # File Format Introduction: Shapefile - 最常見的地理資訊格式,由 ERSI 發明,當中包含數個檔案 - `.shp`: 儲存幾何特徵 - `.shx`: 儲存 `.shp` 當中特徵的 index - `.dbf`: 儲存屬性資訊,像是幾何特徵的名字或變數 - `.prj`: 儲存座標系統資訊 (coordinate system information) - 這個格式常見到有人創了 [twitter account]( --- # File Format Introduction: GeoJSON - 使用跟 JSON 類似的原始格式,但設計上有特別考慮在表現出地理特徵以外,也保留 non-spatial 的屬性 - 地理特徵包含 points, line strings, polygons, and multi-part collections of these types. - [Processing of GeoJSON data in R]( <img src="photo/R_example_geojson.png" width="55%" height="55%" /> --- # Data Structure: Simple Feature - sf, simple feature - 可以想像成幾何圖形加上 data frame 的組合 - data frame 的內容就是區域的屬性(attribute),像是人口 - 幾何圖形有很多種 e.g. point, line string, polygon - 不是簡介的介紹: [Simple Features for R](; photo [source]( <img src="photo/Lab05_sf_structure.png" width="30%" height="30%" /> --- # Data Structure: Simple Feature - 讀取原始資料 - 區分一下: file format & data sturcture - import shapefile/GeoJSON 到 R 裏面變成 sf - `st_read()`, `dsn`(data source name) and `layer`(layer name) - 雖然 `shp` 設計得很好,但還是盡量完整把其他檔案也讀進來 ```r library(tidyverse) library(sf) library(cartogram) library(maps) ``` --- # Data Importing ```r sf_tpe <- st_read(dsn = "data/Lab05/109年12月行政區人口統計_村里_臺北市_SHP/", layer = "109年12月行政區人口統計_村里", quiet = T) %>% mutate(across(where(is.character), ~iconv(., from = "BIG5", to = "UTF8"))) %>% rename_with(~str_to_lower(.), everything()) %>% mutate(across(where(is.double), ~if_else(,as.double(0),.))) %>% st_set_crs(3826) %>% st_transform(4326) %>% filter(str_detect(county, "臺北市")) %>% mutate(village = if_else(str_detect(village,"糖"),"糖廍里",village)) ``` --- # Data Importing ```r sf_tpe ``` ``` ## Simple feature collection with 456 features and 12 fields ## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON ## Dimension: XY ## Bounding box: xmin: 121.4571 ymin: 24.9605 xmax: 121.6659 ymax: 25.21018 ## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 ## First 10 features: ## county town village county_id town_id v_id village_id h_cnt p_cnt ## 1 臺北市 文山區 樟新里 63000 63000080 63000080-031 031 2199 5697 ## 2 臺北市 文山區 老泉里 63000 63000080 63000080-037 037 362 923 ## 3 臺北市 文山區 樟腳里 63000 63000080 63000080-032 032 2108 5674 ## 4 臺北市 文山區 樟文里 63000 63000080 63000080-041 041 2374 6311 ## 5 臺北市 文山區 樟樹里 63000 63000080 63000080-043 043 1825 4898 ## 6 臺北市 文山區 順興里 63000 63000080 63000080-029 029 2902 7642 ## 7 臺北市 文山區 指南里 63000 63000080 63000080-036 036 1766 4108 ## 8 臺北市 文山區 樟林里 63000 63000080 63000080-030 030 3247 8424 ## 9 臺北市 文山區 忠順里 63000 63000080 63000080-038 038 1781 4213 ## 10 臺北市 文山區 試院里 63000 63000080 63000080-023 023 2808 6901 ## m_cnt f_cnt info_time geometry ## 1 2682 3015 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5595 24... ## 2 485 438 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5715 24... ## 3 2735 2939 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5691 24... ## 4 3048 3263 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5599 24... ## 5 2324 2574 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5625 24... ## 6 3674 3968 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5678 24... ## 7 2099 2009 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5799 24... ## 8 4103 4321 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5585 24... ## 9 1986 2227 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5683 24... ## 10 3276 3625 109Y12M MULTIPOLYGON (((121.5507 24... ``` --- # Simple Feature 的組成 - 資料結構 - Simple feature collection - 幾何組成 - geometry type - 維度 - dimension - 地理區域 - bbox - 大地座標系統 - geographic CRS --- # 馬上來畫一張圖 ```r sf_tpe %>% ggplot() + geom_sf() ``` <!-- --> --- # 上個顏色 ```r sf_tpe %>% ggplot(aes(fill = p_cnt)) + geom_sf(color = NA) + scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "purple") ``` <!-- --> ```r # 260 萬 ``` --- # 上個顏色 ```r sf_tpe %>% mutate(p_density = p_cnt/(as.double(st_area(.))/1000000)) %>% ggplot(aes(fill = p_density)) + geom_sf(color = NA) + scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "purple") ``` <!-- --> ```r # 272 平方公里 ``` --- # 重要概念: 投影 - 投影系統 = 告訴你怎麼在地圖上呈現資料的數學公式 - 大地座標系統(geographic coordiate reference systems) - 視資料為球體,舉例: a minute type of resolution,代表把地球切成 360 度,每度有 60 分,每分有 60 秒 - 經緯: Arc-seconds of latitude (緯線) 幾乎保持固定,但 arc-seconds of longitude (經線) 越往極點會越小 - 投影座標系統(projected coordinate reference systems) - 視資料為二維平面,所以長寬、角度、面積都是固定的 --- # 重要概念: 投影 <img src="photo/Lab05_CRS.png" width="40%" height="40%" /><img src="photo/Lab05_CRS_02.png" width="40%" height="40%" /> .pull-left[geographic CRS, (0,0)是零度經線跟零度緯線的交叉] .pull-right[projected CRS, (0,0)是地圖上左下角] --- # 重要概念: 投影 - 考慮到上述兩種投影系統的差別,分析或視覺化的時候,因為尺度(scale)通常都是以國家、地區為單位,需要從立體投影到平面 - 大部分國家/地區有自己的投影座標系統,也就是把中心(0,0)從地球中心移到國家/地區的中心 - 區分: 以角度為單位(angular),譬如 degrees, latitude and longitude,或者資料是全球尺度,則使用 GCRS,以線性為單位;譬如英尺、公尺,或者資料是地方尺度,則使用 PCRS --- # 重要概念: 投影 - 從立體到平面 - 地球是立體的橢圓形,用參考橢球體(Ellipsoid)代表它 - 會有一個跟參考橢球體相符的大地基準面,用來作為 CRS 的依據 <img src="photo/Lab05_CRS_03.jpg" width="40%" height="40%" /> --- # 重要概念: 投影 - 每個區域都有適合的參考橢球體和大地基準面 - 基準點(Datum)分為區域性的的(local)和全球的(global),用來讓人從地球表面對應到笛卡兒座標系(就常見的 XY 啦XD) - global 最常用: WGS84,以地球質心為中心 - local 最常用 TWD97,舊版是用 TWD67 - 如果你是地理狂可以看[ 大地座標系統漫談](跟[座標系統介紹]( --- # 重要概念: 投影 - proj4string - 可以用來快速看 CRS 屬於哪種 - a compact way of identifying a coordinate reference system - 組成包含 projection, datum, units, ellps, etc.,用 + 號分隔 ```r st_crs(sf_tpe)$proj4string ``` ``` ## [1] "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" ``` --- # 重要概念: 投影 - EPSG - 投影法有對應的代號稱為 EPSG(歐洲石油探勘組織),他們制定了空間參考識別系統(SRID) - 可以記兩個重要的: WGS84 = 4326, TWD97 = 3826 ```r st_crs(sf_tpe) ``` ``` ## Coordinate Reference System: ## User input: EPSG:4326 ## wkt: ## GEOGCRS["WGS 84", ## DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984", ## ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, ## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]], ## PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, ## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], ## CS[ellipsoidal,2], ## AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)",north, ## ORDER[1], ## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], ## AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east, ## ORDER[2], ## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], ## USAGE[ ## SCOPE["Horizontal component of 3D system."], ## AREA["World."], ## BBOX[-90,-180,90,180]], ## ID["EPSG",4326]] ``` --- # 重要概念: 投影 - 用得到投影的情境 - 研究區域,想轉換座標(changing projections) - 原始資料就缺投影方法 - 解方 - 修改 EPSG code 或是改掉 `proj4string` 的內容 - 加上 EPSG code 或是加上 `proj4string` 的內容 - function - `st_crs()` 取用 - `st_transform()` 變換 - `st_set_crs()` 設定 --- # 變換投影看看 ```r # sf_tpe %>% st_crs_set(4326) sf_tpe %>% st_transform(3826) %>% st_crs() ``` ``` ## Coordinate Reference System: ## User input: EPSG:3826 ## wkt: ## PROJCRS["TWD97 / TM2 zone 121", ## BASEGEOGCRS["TWD97", ## DATUM["Taiwan Datum 1997", ## ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101, ## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]], ## PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, ## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], ## ID["EPSG",3824]], ## CONVERSION["Taiwan 2-degree TM zone 121", ## METHOD["Transverse Mercator", ## ID["EPSG",9807]], ## PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0, ## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], ## ID["EPSG",8801]], ## PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",121, ## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], ## ID["EPSG",8802]], ## PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9999, ## SCALEUNIT["unity",1], ## ID["EPSG",8805]], ## PARAMETER["False easting",250000, ## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], ## ID["EPSG",8806]], ## PARAMETER["False northing",0, ## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], ## ID["EPSG",8807]]], ## CS[Cartesian,2], ## AXIS["easting (X)",east, ## ORDER[1], ## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], ## AXIS["northing (Y)",north, ## ORDER[2], ## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], ## USAGE[ ## SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."], ## AREA["Taiwan, Republic of China - between 120°E and 122°E, onshore and offshore - Taiwan Island."], ## BBOX[20.41,119.99,26.72,122.06]], ## ID["EPSG",3826]] ``` --- class: inverse, center, middle # 投影講完惹!!再來下載一下整個台灣的[地理圖資]( --- # 操作 sf - 可以用 `st_()` 開頭 - 引入圖資 `st_read()`, `st_as_sf()` - 座標系統 `st_crs()`, `st_set_crs()`, `st_transform()` - 處理圖資 `st_crop()`, `st_bbox()`, `st_simplify()` - 或者也可以用 `dplyr` 的動詞,`rename()`、`filter()`、`mutate()`、`select()`、`group_by()` 配 `summarize()` --- # 操作 sf ```r sf_taiwan <- st_read(dsn = "data/Lab05/直轄市縣市界線/", layer = "COUNTY_MOI_1090820", quiet = T) %>% rename_with(~str_to_lower(.), everything()) %>% st_transform(3826) sf_taiwan ``` ``` ## Simple feature collection with 22 features and 4 fields ## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON ## Dimension: XY ## Bounding box: xmin: -478698 ymin: 1154437 xmax: 606875.6 ymax: 2919551 ## Projected CRS: TWD97 / TM2 zone 121 ## First 10 features: ## countyid countycode countyname countyeng ## 1 Z 09007 連江縣 Lienchiang County ## 2 G 10002 宜蘭縣 Yilan County ## 3 N 10007 彰化縣 Changhua County ## 4 M 10008 南投縣 Nantou County ## 5 P 10009 雲林縣 Yunlin County ## 6 C 10017 基隆市 Keelung City ## 7 A 63000 臺北市 Taipei City ## 8 F 65000 新北市 New Taipei City ## 9 B 66000 臺中市 Taichung City ## 10 D 67000 臺南市 Tainan City ## geometry ## 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((146282.4 28... ## 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((346997.1 27... ## 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((194797.1 26... ## 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((277507.6 26... ## 5 MULTIPOLYGON (((156164 2602... ## 6 MULTIPOLYGON (((321581.3 27... ## 7 MULTIPOLYGON (((307543.1 27... ## 8 MULTIPOLYGON (((304125.1 27... ## 9 MULTIPOLYGON (((283293.5 27... ## 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((192793.9 25... ``` --- # 操作 sf ```r sf_taiwan_simplify <- sf_taiwan %>% st_transform(3826) %>% st_simplify(dTolerance = 100) %>% st_transform(4326) sf_taiwan_simplify %>% object.size() ``` ``` ## 216736 bytes ``` ```r sf_taiwan %>% object.size() ``` ``` ## 5471776 bytes ``` --- # 操作 sf ```r sf_taiwan_simplify %>% st_bbox() ``` ``` ## xmin ymin xmax ymax ## 114.35968 10.37135 124.56115 26.38394 ``` --- # 畫圖 - 4326 ```r sf_taiwan_simplify %>% ggplot() + geom_sf() ``` <!-- --> --- # 畫圖 - 3826 ```r sf_taiwan_simplify %>% st_transform(3826) %>% ggplot() + geom_sf() ``` <!-- --> --- # 畫圖 - 切台灣本島 - `filter()` ```r sf_taiwan_simplify %>% filter(! str_detect(countyname, "連江|金門|澎湖")) %>% ggplot() + geom_sf() ``` <!-- --> --- # 畫圖 - 切台灣本島 - `st_crop()` ```r sf_taiwan_simplify %>% st_crop(xmin = 120, xmax = 122, ymin = 22, ymax = 25.5) %>% ggplot() + geom_sf() ``` <!-- --> --- class: inverse, center, middle # 再次回到面量圖!來畫 2020 總統大選得票 --- # Map: Choropleth <ul> <li>Definition <ul> <li>A choropleth map displays divided geographical areas or regions that are coloured in relation to a numeric variable.</li> <li><a href="">Choropleth Map by the R Graph Gallery</a></li> </ul> <li>Process <ul> <li>Get Taiwan 2020 Election Results Data</li> <li>Decide the variable plotted, such as KMT vote per</li> <li>Join Election with Taiwan sf object</li> <li>Draw the map colored by the variable</li> </ul> </ul> --- class: inverse, center, middle # R time: Choropleth --- # Map: Dot Distribution Map/Bubble Map <ul> <li>Definition <ul> <li>Choropleths aggregate individual data points into a single geographic region. In contrast, a dot distribution/density map uses a dot symbol to show the presence of a feature or a phenomenon.</li> <li><a href="">Bubble map by the R Graph Gallery</a></li> </ul> <li>Process <ul> <li>Get Taiwan Cities Population Data</li> <li>Decide the variable plotted, such as city population</li> <li>Plot the base map and add city dots</li> </ul> </ul> --- class: inverse, center, middle # R time: Dot Distribution Map --- # Map: Cartogram <ul> <li>Definition <ul> <li>A cartogram is a map in which the geometry of regions is distorted in order to convey the information of an alternate variable.</li> <li><a href="">Cartogram by the R Graph Gallery</a></li> </ul> <li>Process <ul> <li>Get Taiwan 2020 Election Results Data and population data</li> <li>Decide the variable for distortion, such as population</li> <li>Also decide the variable cared about, such as KMT vote per</li> <li>Distort the sf object based on the variable</li> <li>Plot the distorted map and colored by chosen variable</li> </ul> </ul> --- class: inverse, center, middle # R time: Cartogram --- # Map: Parliament Plots <ul> <li>Definition <ul> <li>A visual representations of the composition of legislatures that display seats colour-coded by party.</li> <li><a href="">ggparliament by RobWHickman</a></li> <li><a href="">ggpol by Frederik Tiedemann</a></li> </ul> <li>Process <ul> <li>Get Taiwan 2020 Parliament Raw Data</li> <li>Create x, y, and theta columns</li> <li>Plot Parliament Composition</li> </ul> </ul> --- class: inverse, center, middle # R time: Parliament Plots --- # Map: Hexmap <ul> <li>Definition <ul> <li>A a geospatial object where all regions of the map are represented as hexagons.</li> <li><a href="">tilegramps showcase with JS</a></li> <li><a href="">library(clhex)</a></li> <li><a href="">Hexmap Editor</a></li> </ul> <li>Process <ul> <li>Create empty Taiwan Constituency hexjson with library(clhex)</li> <li>Draw Taiwan Constituency with hexjson editor according to geographical posistion</li> <li>Import edited hexjson into R and plot with geom_sf()</li> <li>Export the .SVG for further use</li> </ul> </ul> --- class: inverse, center, middle # R time: Hexmap --- # Map: Summary <ul> <li>Plots <ul> <li>背景地圖/Background Map</li> <li>統計地圖/Choropleth</li> <li>點示地圖/Dot Distribution Map; Bubble Map</li> <li>示意地圖/Cartogram</li> <li>國會席次圖/Parliament Plots</li> <li>六邊型網格圖/Hexmap/Tilegram</li> </ul> --- # Some Map <img src="photo/端_map_cartogram.png" width="45%" height="45%" /><img src="photo/viewsoftheworld_cartogram.png" width="45%" height="45%" /> .pull-left[Taiwan 2020 Presidential Choropleth by [端傳媒](] .pull-right[US 2016 Presidential Vote Share Map by [Views of the World](] --- # Some Map <img src="photo/NYT_map_bubble.png" width="45%" height="45%" /><img src="photo/端_map_hexbin.png" width="45%" height="45%" /> .pull-left[US 2012 Presidential Vote Lead Map by [The New York Times](] .pull-right[Taiwan 2020 Parliament Hexmap by [端傳媒](] --- # Some Map <img src="photo/reddit_map_hex_swing.png" width="50%" height="50%" /><img src="photo/關鍵_plot_parliament.png" width="50%" height="50%" /> .pull-left[UK 2019 Parliament Swing Map by [TeHuia](] .pull-right[Taiwan 2020 Parliament Plot by [關鍵評論網](] --- # 今日重點: Use R as GIS - 認識地理資訊格式 - 認識地理資料結構 in R - 操作地理資料 - 視覺化地理資料 - Extra: Geometry Operations --- # 之後有機會: 空間分析 - [Geometry Operations]( - [可達性空間]( - [重疊區域切分]( - [空間層級變換]( - Spatial Analysis - 熱點分析 - 空間自相關 - 熱區分析 --- class: inverse, center, middle # Thanks