Data practice team
@ ntu journalism

About us

We gather researchers and students who are interested in data analyis applications on "X" media and communication.
We come from different departments and invite any researchers who are interested in topics we concern.


We come from different departments and invite any researchers who are interested in topics we concern.


Yu, Chen-Yi, Sociology, Sinica
Information Sociology, Gender, Narrative
Sun, Chuen-Tsai, Computer Science, NCTU
Artificial Intellignece, e-learning
Yang, Li-Wei, IM, NTU
News surveillance, Knowledge organization
Wen, Tsai-Hung, Geopraphy, NTU
GIS, CardoDB, Social simulation
Tsai, Chia-Hung, Politics, NCCU
Election, Quantitative method

Student members


Here are current projects

Social sening and open panels

Cooperating with
Yang, Li-Wei, IM NTU
Sun, Chuen-Tsai, CS NCTU
Lin, Holin, Sociology NTU

Social sening and open panels

Quantified-self by mobile phone: daily routine

Cooperating with
Chen-Yi Yu, Sociology Sinica

The use of social media has become the main reason for using information and communication technologies (ICTs, including cell phones, personal computers, and laptops). The study attempts to investigate whether the use of social media is a rational and conscious behavior, or just a passive response triggered by the rhythm of social media and the force of social expectations.

Election, Politics, and Social media

Cooperating with
Tsai, Jia-Hung, Politics NCCU

Social sening and open panels

Eyetracking: Online news and e-maps

Cooperating with
Wen, Tsai-Hung, Geography NTU

Eyetracking: Online news and e-maps

Funded projects

Years Project name Roles
2016-2019 Developing Upper Primary students’ writing abilities through gamification, inquiry learning, and digital literacies co-PI
2013-2016 國高中生閱讀理解網際網路提供的各類圖文及相關問題解決: 學習動機 、線上-離線認知歷程及注視驅動鷹架-子計畫六:以眼動儀探究空間認知對電子地圖 判讀策略與尋路成效的影響 PI
2011-2013 從WEB 2.0到WEB 3.0:資訊科技對學習動機、歷程與評量的影響-子計畫六:以標籤機制組織學習資源之使用性與教學方法探究 PI


Yu C.Y and Hsieh J.L. (Accepted) Lifelogging: Recording Life Patterns Tied to Daily Internet Usage. To appear in International Handbook of Internet Research (Vol. 2), Springer.



本篇論文為應用時間日誌法(Time-Diary method)、視覺化方法以及質性詮釋來探究一對父母的生活脈絡如何影響其手機使用,並探究手機使用又如何反應其生活脈絡中的節奏韻律。除了使用日誌法外,尚擷取Chrome瀏覽器的瀏覽歷史紀錄與日誌資料相互印證。

Hsieh, J. L. (31-Aug-2015 Accepted) Author Publication Preferences and Journal Competition. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. (SSCI, 2013 Rank: 9/84 in Information Science and Library

本篇論文以組織生態利基為理論背景,量化作者集中投稿至某些期刊的現象並藉以探究該現象所引致的期刊隱性競爭。為國內外資訊計量研究首次應用生態性競爭看法,並獲SSCI-Q1期刊JASIST接受發表。研究結果提出四項生態特性來描述資訊科學與圖書資訊學領域期刊間的隱性競爭:涵蓋度(Coverage)、核心度( Coreness)、排他性( Exclusivity)與利基重疊(Niche overlapping)。




Yu C.Y and Hsieh J.L. (Accepted) Lifelogging: Recording Life Patterns Tied to Daily Internet Usage. To appear in International Handbook of Internet Research (Vol. 2), Springer.



本篇論文為應用時間日誌法(Time-Diary method)、視覺化方法以及質性詮釋來探究一對父母的生活脈絡如何影響其手機使用,並探究手機使用又如何反應其生活脈絡中的節奏韻律。除了使用日誌法外,尚擷取Chrome瀏覽器的瀏覽歷史紀錄與日誌資料相互印證。

Hsieh, J. L. (31-Aug-2015 Accepted) Author Publication Preferences and Journal Competition. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. (SSCI, 2013 Rank: 9/84 in Information Science and Library

本篇論文以組織生態利基為理論背景,量化作者集中投稿至某些期刊的現象並藉以探究該現象所引致的期刊隱性競爭。為國內外資訊計量研究首次應用生態性競爭看法,並獲SSCI-Q1期刊JASIST接受發表。研究結果提出四項生態特性來描述資訊科學與圖書資訊學領域期刊間的隱性競爭:涵蓋度(Coverage)、核心度( Coreness)、排他性( Exclusivity)與利基重疊(Niche overlapping)。



Our activities

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