Chapter 23 Coordinate

本章節談論的是視覺化圖表的座標軸,本章節所涵蓋的概念可參考Claus O. Wilke所著之Fundamentals of Data Visualization的Chap3 Coordination & Axis與Chapter 8 Visualizing distributions: Empirical cumulative distribution functions and q-q plots

23.1 NYT: Population Growth

紐時這篇報導「When Did the Anthropocene Start? Scientists Closer to Saying When. - The New York Times (」討論了人類活動對地球所產生的深遠影響,並探討人類是否已經進入了一個新的地質時期,被稱為「人新世」。報導指出,人類的經濟活動、能源消耗和人口增長是人新世的主要因素,並且這些因素已經在地球上留下了不可磨滅的痕跡。報導也提到,地質學家已經發現了人新世的證據,包括核爆炸中的鈽同位素、肥料中的氮和發電廠的灰燼等。然而,報導也問道,人新世是否真的已經開始,以及它的開始點是否應該是農業革命、工業革命、核彈(77年前)或其他發展。

23.1.1 Parsing table from pdf



程式碼使用 extract_tables() 函數從指定的PDF文件中提取表格數據,並將其存儲在 tables 變量中。在這個函數中,我們指定了要從第1頁中提取表格數據。

# Method 1
# install.packages("tabulizer")

# Method 2
# if (!require("remotes")) {
#     install.packages("remotes")
# }
# remotes::install_github(c("ropensci/tabulizerjars", "ropensci/tabulizer"))

# Extract the table

tables <- extract_tables('data/world_population_change.pdf', pages = 1)

# Extract the first element of the variable
raw <-[[1]])

population_by_year <- raw %>%
   select(1, 2) %>%
   slice(-c(1:4)) %>%
   rename(years_to_2020 = V1, population = V2)
   # select(years_to_2020 = v1, population = v2)
   # mutate(years_to_2020 = v1, population = v2)

23.1.2 X and Y with log-scale

通常情況下,當數據範圍很大,且存在極端值或者偏離值時,使用對數轉換可以更好地展示數據的分佈情況。在這種情況下,你可以使用 scale_x_log10()scale_y_log10() 函數將 x 軸或 y 軸轉換為對數刻度。




##    years_to_2020 population
## 1         11,720          4
## 2         10,020          5
## 3           8220          8
## 4           7020         11
## 5           6020          7
## 6           5020         14
## 7           4220         27
## 8           3020         50
## 9           2520        100
## 10          2020        268
## 11          1020        289
## 12           720        397
## 13           520        471
## 14           420        561
## 15           320        629
## 16           270        772
## 17           220        951
## 18           170       1247
## 19           120       1643
## 20            70       2499
## 21            65       2769
## 22            60       3042
## 23            55       3333
## 24            50       3691
## 25            45       4071
## 26            40       4440
## 27            35       4838
## 28            30       5269
## 29            25       5735
## 30            20       6076
## 31            15       6463
## 32            10       6930
## 33             5       7349
## 34             0       7717
toplot <- population_by_year %>%
   mutate(years_to_2020 = map(years_to_2020, ~(str_remove(., ",")))) %>%
   mutate(years_to_2020 = as.numeric(years_to_2020),
           population = as.numeric(population))

toplot %>% head
##   years_to_2020 population
## 1         11720          4
## 2         10020          5
## 3          8220          8
## 4          7020         11
## 5          6020          7
## 6          5020         14
p1 <- toplot %>%
    ggplot() + 
    aes(x=years_to_2020, y=population) + 
    geom_point() + 

p2 <- toplot %>%
    ggplot() + 
    aes(x=years_to_2020, y=population) + 
    geom_point() + 
    scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10() + 
    scale_x_reverse() + 

  p1, NULL, p2,
  labels = c("(a) Original Scale", "", "(b) Low-Scale"),
  nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(1, 0.1, 1)

23.2 Order as axis


Figure 3.5: Population numbers of Texas counties relative to their median value. Select counties are highlighted by name. The dashed line indicates a ratio of 1, corresponding to a county with median population number. The most populous counties have approximately 100 times more inhabitants than the median county, and the least populous counties have approximately 100 times fewer inhabitants than the median county. Data source: 2010 Decennial U.S. Census.
Figure 3.5: Population numbers of Texas counties relative to their median value. Select counties are highlighted by name. The dashed line indicates a ratio of 1, corresponding to a county with median population number. The most populous counties have approximately 100 times more inhabitants than the median county, and the least populous counties have approximately 100 times fewer inhabitants than the median county. Data source: 2010 Decennial U.S. Census.

23.3 Log-scale


raw <- read_csv("data/opendata107Y020.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)  %>% 
    slice(-1) %>% 

raw %>%
  ggplot() + aes(edu_age_15up_total) + 



toplot <- raw %>%
    select(site_id, village, edu_age_15up_total) %>%
    arrange(desc(edu_age_15up_total)) %>%
    mutate(index = row_number()) %>%
    mutate(label = ifelse(index <= 5 | index > n()-5, paste0(site_id, village), ""))


p2 <- toplot %>% ggplot() + aes(index, edu_age_15up_total) + 
    geom_point(alpha=0.5, color="royalblue") + 
    geom_text_repel(aes(label = label), point.padding = .4, color = "black",
                  min.segment.length = 0, family = "Heiti TC Light") + 
    theme(axis.text.x=element_blank()) + 
    scale_y_log10(breaks = c(0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000)) + 

p1 <- toplot %>% ggplot() + aes(index, edu_age_15up_total) + 
    geom_point(alpha=0.5, color="royalblue") + 
    theme(axis.text.x=element_blank()) + 

  p2, NULL, p1,
  labels = c("a", "", "b"), nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(1, 0.1, 1)



23.5 Square-root scale

Chap3 Coordination & Axis Fundamentals of Data Visualization (

Figure 3.8: Areas of Northeastern U.S. states. (a) Areas shown on a linear scale. (b) Areas shown on a square-root scale. Data source: Google.
Figure 3.8: Areas of Northeastern U.S. states. (a) Areas shown on a linear scale. (b) Areas shown on a square-root scale. Data source: Google.


town <- read_csv("data/tw_population_opendata110N010.csv") %>%
    slice(-1, -(370:375)) %>%

town %>%
    arrange(desc(area)) %>%
    mutate(index = row_number()) %>%
    ggplot() + aes(index, area) %>%
    geom_col(fill="skyblue") +
    scale_y_sqrt() + 

Figure 23.1: (ref:population-area)

county <- town %>%
    mutate(county = str_sub(site_id, 1, 3)) %>%
    group_by(county) %>%
        area = sum(area), 
        people_total = sum(people_total)
    ) %>%

p1 <- county %>%
    arrange(desc(people_total)) %>%
    mutate(index = row_number()) %>%
    ggplot() + aes(index, people_total) %>%
    geom_col(fill="lightgrey") +
    # scale_y_sqrt() +

p2 <- county %>%
    arrange(desc(people_total)) %>%
    mutate(index = row_number()) %>%
    ggplot() + aes(index, people_total) %>%
    geom_col(fill="khaki") +
    scale_y_sqrt(breaks=c(0, 250000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000, 4000000)) +

  p1, p2,
  labels = c("a", "b"), 
  nrow = 1

Figure 23.2: (ref:population-area)

23.6 Increasing percentage as Y

23.6.1 NYT: Net Worth by Age Group


Median for Inequality

這個教學案例來自紐約時報的「What’s going on in this gragh」系列資料視覺化教學之Teach About Inequality With These 28 New York Times Graphs - The New York Times ( 。該圖表呈現在不同年代、不同年齡層的人所擁有的淨資產(包含土地、存款、投資等減去債務)。該圖表的結果指出,在不同年代的老年人是越來越有錢,但年輕人卻越來越窮(該曲線為減去1989年

Teach About Inequality With These 28 New York Times Graphs - The New York Times (

23.6.2 Read and sort data

Sorted by arrange() function.

p1 <- read_csv("data/interactive_bulletin_charts_agecl_median.csv") %>%
    select(year, Category, Net_Worth) %>%
    group_by(Category) %>%
    arrange(year) %>%
p1 %>% filter(year <= 1992) %>% knitr::kable()
year Category Net_Worth
1989 Less than 35 16.17019
1989 35-44 112.47530
1989 45-54 195.11630
1989 55-64 195.25554
1989 65-74 154.34277
1989 75 or older 144.29855
1992 Less than 35 16.60780
1992 35-44 79.91050
1992 45-54 139.97745
1992 55-64 203.44104
1992 65-74 176.44667
1992 75 or older 155.35173
p1 %>% ggplot() + aes(year, Net_Worth, color = Category) + 
    geom_line() + 
    geom_point() + 
    gghighlight(Category %in% c("65-74", "35-44")) + 
    theme_minimal() + 
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL) + 
    theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
                                colour = "white",
                                size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"))

p2 <- read_csv("data/interactive_bulletin_charts_agecl_median.csv") %>%
    select(year, Category, NW = Net_Worth)  %>%
    group_by(Category) %>%
    arrange(year) %>%
    mutate(increase = (NW-first(NW))/first(NW)) %>%
p2 %>% filter(year <= 1992) %>% knitr::kable()
year Category NW increase
1989 Less than 35 16.17019 0.0000000
1989 35-44 112.47530 0.0000000
1989 45-54 195.11630 0.0000000
1989 55-64 195.25554 0.0000000
1989 65-74 154.34277 0.0000000
1989 75 or older 144.29855 0.0000000
1992 Less than 35 16.60780 0.0270627
1992 35-44 79.91050 -0.2895285
1992 45-54 139.97745 -0.2825948
1992 55-64 203.44104 0.0419220
1992 65-74 176.44667 0.1432131
1992 75 or older 155.35173 0.0765994

美國35歲以下的年輕人的中位淨資產比起年長的美國人來說,一開始平均貧窮得多。從「Less than 35」這條線看來,現在的年輕世代比起2004年的年輕世代所擁有的淨資產低了40%。相比之下,65歲以上的美國人現在的淨資產,相較於2004年增加了9%。隨著時代變化,可想像會有一群人的淨資產越來越多,只是現在從這個圖表看來,年輕人所擁有的淨資產相較於過去是越來越低的,多半流入了成年人和老年人手中。

p2 %>% ggplot() + aes(year, increase, color = Category) + 
    geom_line() + 
    geom_point() + 
    gghighlight(Category %in% c("65-74", "Less than 35")) + 
    theme_minimal() + 
    scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::parse_format()) + 
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL) + 
    theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
                                colour = "white",
                                size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"))

23.7 X/Y aspect ratio

23.7.1 UNICEF-Optimistic (WGOITH)

plot.opt <- read_csv("data/unicef-changing-childhood-data.csv") %>% 
    select(country = WP5, age = WP22140, bw = WP22092) %>%
    mutate(country = ordered(country, 
                             levels=c(1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 
                                      13, 14, 17, 29, 31, 
                                      33, 35, 36, 60, 61, 
                                      77, 79, 81, 87, 165), 
                             labels=c("USA", "Morocco", "Lebanon", 
                                      "Indonesia", "Bangladesh", 
                                      "UK", "France", "Germany",
                                      "Spain", "Japan", "India", 
                                      "Brazil", "Nigeria", "Kenya", 
                                      "Ethiopia", "Mali", "Ukraine",
                                      "Cameroon", "Zimbabwe",
                                      "Argentina", "Peru"))) %>%
    count(country, age, bw) %>%
    group_by(country, age) %>%
    mutate(perc = n/sum(n)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>%
    filter(bw == 1) %>%
    select(country, age, perc) %>%
    spread(age, perc) %>%
    rename(`15-24y` = `1`, `40+y` = `2`)

plot.opt %>% head(10) %>% knitr::kable()
country 15-24y 40+y
USA 0.6679842 0.4611465
Morocco 0.4365079 0.4735812
Lebanon 0.5467197 0.4435798
Indonesia 0.7920605 0.8027344
Bangladesh 0.4624506 0.4319527
UK 0.5040000 0.4140000
France 0.3900000 0.2640000
Germany 0.5900000 0.3860000
Spain 0.5160000 0.3340000
Japan 0.6367265 0.2586873
plot.opt %>%
    ggplot() + aes(`40+y`, `15-24y`, label = country) + 
    geom_point(color = "skyblue", size = 2) + 
    xlim(0, 1) + ylim(0,1) + 
    geom_text(hjust = -0.1, vjust = -0.5) + 
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slop = 1, 
                color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5, linetype="dashed") + 
    theme_minimal() + 